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Find out about Ejada’s techniques for literary translation

Any literary translation is considered a creative art activity, but most literary translators get ignored since they work behind the scenes and they of course contribute in realizing many literary works. However, we are left to wonder whether translation could reach enrichment of literary works?  Where is the line drawn between the needed commitment to the work and the poetic independence that the translator can bear? When are translators required to consider themselves defenders for the language? And when are they required to follow their time and adapt to sudden changes in language? Without choosing a certified translator from Ejada for certified translation, texts lose its value when translated from one language to another

Is literary translation of any importance?

Yes of course, every literary translation is of the utmost importance in terms of good knowledge of the grammar of the two languages, so it is necessary to master the tenses and syntax of each language. Every certified translation company must have an excellent knowledge of the dictionary in the respective languages, and it is also necessary to read regularly in both languages and learning the corresponding dictionaries. Learning does not only mean translating a word from one language to another, but also knowing how to give a definition to the term in both languages.

Knowing the etymology of the terms is quite useful in learning the language and the translation. Therefore, it is necessary to understand language changes as well as the proverbs and idioms in both languages and the author’s metaphors in a similar rotation, to avoid the wrong meaning and choose the correct word, which is exactly what we do in Ejada’s for certified translation.

Literary translation techniques:

Each literary translation deals with several techniques, in this article we will address some of the techniques identified by Amparo Hurtado Albir, a leading translation specialist, in her book Traducción y Traductología: Introducción a la traductología (2001). Professor Amparo Hurtado Albir, who is a Spanish professor and translator, has studied Modern Philology at the University of Valencia, Spain, and is currently Professor of  Traductology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and is considered an essential reference for translation theory and academic formation for language specialists. The techniques that Albert identified are as follows:

  1. Adaptation:

Albir describes adaptation as “technique whereby one cultural element is replaced by another which is typical of the receiving culture. This technique is very useful when translating advertisements, slogans, etc., which employ a number of different linguistic processes. In these cases, the most important thing is the actual meaning of the message rather than the words making it up.  “

  1. Linguistic Amplification:

According to Albir, “this [literary] translation technique adds new linguistic elements in the target text. It is the opposite of the linguistic compression technique. Often these are algebraic expressions aimed at having a word that has no equivalent in the target language”.

  1. Compensation:

Compensation, on the other hand, and according to Albir’s description is a “translation technique whereby a piece of information or stylistic device is moved to another location in the text, because it does not have the same effect if maintained in the same place as in the original text”. This process is intended to compensate for the losses that a text suffers when it is translated. The technique is especially useful when it comes to wordplay-which is a sentence or a word with two meanings where one is intended which is the farther meaning and the other is unintended which is the near meaning- and if the translator cannot directly adapt a wordplay, for instance, which tends to happen quite often, then they will try to create another wordplay in another part of the text.

  1. Elision:

The fourth technique of literary translation described by Albir is elision. Elision is a process that “involves removing items of information in the original language text so that they do not appear in the target text. As with the linguistic compression technique, elision is the opposite of the amplification process.” It is certainly frequently the case that the literary translator is obliged to condense the information contained in certain passages being translated. To do this, some items which are not considered essential must be removed as their elision will improve the stylistic quality of the translated work.

  1. Borrowing:

Borrowing is a technique frequently used in literary translation, but which can also be applied in medical and business translations, for instance. For Albir, this translation technique involves “using a word or an expression in the original text and placing it as it is, with no modification, in the target text.” This can be an expression taken from a third language (e.g., Latin), or a familiar expression by speakers of the target language, or even an untranslatable expression which is not worth explaining.

What are the types of literary translations carried out by Ejada?

  • Literary translation: Fiction (novels, short stories) poetry, plays, essays.
  • Human Science (Philosophy, Psychology, Psychoanalysis, Sociology, Musicology, History, Anthropology, and social sciences and art in general…etc.)

Therefore, the sales outlets for all of these translations are larger than anyone thinks; there is a real market with many demands from customers to the authors of this literature. Since translations of this type are still often entrusted by publishers to amateurs whom are not subject to or contracting for copyright, for prior verification of the presence of these skills in this field. Literary translation is a profession in itself that requires targeted and specialized training, even if some distinguished professional translators are able to carry it out, they can still train themselves even during working hours. All you have to do is to contact Ejada for certified translation and they will handle it.

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