
Ejada Translation



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Did you know, dear reader, that Ejada, the best translation site, is in fact one of the top 10 translation sites in Egypt and the Arab Gulf countries? Yes …., this is a fact, do not think that this matter came out of nowhere, no …. but because our efforts in certified translation services that we always provide to all of our clients, whether they are prospective, new or old, and this advantage is due to the fact that we have a team of translators who are distinguished by diligent work throughout their working hours, they are interested in providing distinguished translations of the highest quality and with unparalleled accuracy, not only that. In fact, Ejada owns – which is one of the top 10 translation sites, as we said earlier – a team of customer service that always seeks to satisfy all clients and meet their requests that they want when translating their documents, in addition to the possibility of returning to us, we are the best certified translation site when adding any data on the translated document or modification in it at no additional cost.

Why is Ejada one of the top 10 translation sites?

  1. Separation from other competitors:

There are many corporate owners who have provided their clients base all over the world by translating their website, but even if the return on investment of the company’s online presence is not clear at the moment, the loss will be even more likely for them in the absence of a company’s online translator site, each company that wants to distinguish it from the rest of its competitors shall create a niche on the Internet after translating their site.

  1. Increase the number of clients:

If a company wants to make the most of the web, it shall provide its products or services directly to its target client base in their language and according to their cultural rules, so, Ejada website for certified translation works – which is considered one of the top 10 translation sites – to increase the number of target clients after attracting many visitors to the site and knowing their specific culture, through translating it, regardless of the type of good or service offered on the site.

  1. Knowing the target audience:

As we have noted with regard to marketing guarantees, even if your target clients speak the same language that you speak, it is not enough to know the marketing strategy that you will work on, but you have to go to the best certified translation site such as the Ejada site, which knows well your target audience before starting to translate your business, we find many companies use one form of the marketing plan for any site they plan, but of course what distinguishes it is its complete translation, and the translation of all ads also that belong to them, so many companies are forced to present their websites on the Internet at least in two languages, in line with the recent technological changes that have occurred in today’s world, which gives strength and solidity to the site that you will not find in others, and thus attract the attention of the potential client, with the confidence of the former client increases.

تحتوي هذه الصورة على سمة alt فارغة; اسم الملف هو We-provide-all-translation-services-in-all-languages.1.jpg

In conclusion, we say …

Think about taking a closer look at what your competitors are doing, as multilingual websites are becoming more common today, and translating your site can provide a great competitive advantage among them, which can be your next big marketing step, which verifies your aspiration. What the business owner wants is to elevate the name of his products or service, with his distinction and isolation from the rest of the competitors, and this is exactly what the Ejada certified translation site does, as it works diligently and always strives to elevate the name of every company or site that deals with it, and this matter made the site Ejada rises to the list of the top 10 sites for certified translation in Egypt and the Arab Gulf countries.

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