
Ejada Translation



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Marketing translation services include translating the text in addition to delivering the correct marketing message, taking into account the cultural preferences of the target audience, so the thinking of the marketing translator should be in line with the copywriter as well, because one of the requirements for marketing translation is to know how to promote the products. The marketing translator should be familiar with different writing styles, and this process takes into account the appropriate adaptation of the style and language to fit the local culture with the products being promoted, which means that the translator must also know the culture of the target site.

It is important that marketers know what marketing translation is and how the process is done, and looking into the future, you should hire a professional translation company with extensive experience in marketing translation services to ensure that the marketing message has the same context in any language. In addition to being culturally appropriate for all target clients, one of these companies that enjoy these capabilities is Ejada for Certified Translation.

Marketing Translation Services, Things You Should Know

Any company with brands sold in different countries requires marketing translation to directly attract different clients who speak other languages, and the process requires translation of all content used for marketing, from posts on social media sites to video scripts, product descriptions and ad copy of printed materials, but this requires more accurate translation instead of direct translation, because there are more factors to consider when doing marketing translation.

  1. Marketing translation differs from direct translation:

When the translator provides marketing translation services, the process does not focus only on the required language, the translator should determine how to convey the same marketing message in the languages requested by the client. The marketing content is specially written to suit the brand, taking into account its attractiveness to the target audience, however, when commercial materials are used in other countries, the marketing content may or may not resonate in the same way as it did for its original audience.

Thus, the translator must be careful how other clients from different countries understand the brand, since marketing strategies envisage seeing the brand in all possible places by as many people as possible, it is crucial not to offend any person from a different culture.

  1. Marketing translation needs to adapt to the cultural context of the target region:

It is preferable for the marketing translator to live in the target country in order to fully understand the local culture, some words, idioms and images are features that must be taken into account, and the reason for this is that there are words that do not have direct translations into other languages, and more. Some expressions and images may not be acceptable to the target culture, so marketing translation should have a local appeal, therefore the translator should consider the cultural effects of the translated marketing content.

  1. Idioms depend on culture:

According to above number 2, metaphors and idioms are often used in advertising, however, these are understandable and accepted by the public in a particular region, and it is usually the country of origin where commercial materials are used, however, these usually do not translate well, and may be a problem when used in other countries.

This fact highlights the importance of working with a translation company specializing in marketing translation services as a Ejada company, and a professional marketing translator will consider cultural preferences when translating the marketing content into the required languages, thus deviating from the literal translation, and instead considers changing the reference depending on the target audience, and the translator will still write a compelling and attractive copy in another language, which may not match the original, but the message will remain the same as the original.

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So if you want marketing translation at the highest level of accuracy, please contact Ejada Office for Certified Translation.

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