
Ejada Translation



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After knowing the kind of services are offered to your target market, Have you ever thought to control the market from your competitors?, Will you leave your mark to every consumer who benefits from your service or commodity?, If you really want to reach international competition, in what way will you communicate with your potential clients to reach your business goal?, Is the problem with language between you and your target audience? Well! Through “Ejada“, Best translation site in Saudi Arabia, don’t worry. We will take care of the matter, and we will work to implement what you are unable to achieve.

The importance of translation accuracy for brands:

It is better for both printed ads and brand marks that distinguish each product from others to be translated accurately and carefully, by knowing word boundaries or character combination, and this can only be done from “Ejada” the best translation site in Saudi Arabia. Sometimes, literal content translation is not the best approach for interacting with consumers in new markets, as these consumers have their own unique culture and identity.

That is why brands may choose to share with their international customers content created specifically for them, because ad writing is a highly creative process, which requires detailed briefing, and an open channel of communication with the end client to ensure that the business is created according to their requirements.

Reference materials such as advertising and user guides are also a major factor in ensuring that the commodity owner, product, or service provided has the information needed to produce a copy that meets the client’s final requirements and expectations, where some reference material examples include information about the target client, product images, and previous examples of creative content, brand voice tone guidelines for each product or service provided.

Translation steps from “Ejada”, best translation site in Saudi Arabia:

  1. Define the Scope:

Most translation projects in “Ejada” shall be started with a translation brief. From this standpoint, you as an employer will define the tone of voice for your product, service, or company in general, what your goals are, and provide a glossary of brand terms that you want to preserve in source language. At this stage, it is important for the translation site to let them know those details.

  1. Understanding the source and target languages:

The conversion or translation takes several considerations by translators, such as cultural and contextual differences between source and target language markets, which often means making cultural adjustments that go beyond the point of localization.

  1. Text processing

As a result of the foregoing, the text that has been processed shall be read and re-context if necessary, as if it were originally written in the original language of the reader, and provide the same effect and evokes the same emotions as the original text of the readers in the original language.

Does Ejada website care about the quality of its translation?

Due to the size of work done by “Ejada” (best translation site in Saudi Arabia), we work regularly with many of the best professional and distinguished translators as well, as our translation work-flow tools keep track of, and as for the performance of our translators, it is constantly evaluated. We have no substitute for quality assurance from our expert linguists, and superior handling of customer service for all clients.

Our translation services are independently audited, we have been awarded the ISO17100 and ISO9001 quality standards, and we have created a Customer Service Charter that distills our aspirations to a set of key principles that guide the way we operate, the way we treat our clients, and the way we provide our translation services. 


It may be interesting to specialize in a particular field to take advantage of a translation site that distinguishes you from what your competitors offer, so be confident in our services. We are an Ejada site, because our goal is your goal, and your success is our success….

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