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Translating the texts of advertising campaigns for companies of all kinds is to transfer the meaning from the source language to the target language in a correct and scientifically accurate manner, but despite this common goal, not every translation is the same in other types of translations.

? How is the Translation of Marketing Texts Different from other Translations

The translation of marketing texts differs greatly from the translation of technical documents, for example, and in the case of marketing texts, translation is not just a transfer of meaning from one language to another, but rather a bridge of cultural differences, especially when translating the texts of advertising campaigns for companies.

Whereas, the focus in marketing texts is not only on what is being delivered to the recipient, but also on how the message is delivered; Because that speaks volumes, not only about individuals but also of entire companies.

It makes perfect sense for companies to seek to develop and nurture their own personality and style of communicating with users, for example, the language a large software company uses differs from that of a sports equipment manufacturer or travel agency, and the next step is to make it all happen in other languages as well.

: Target Audience and Types of Marketing Texts

When translating marketing texts, especially when translating the texts of advertising campaigns in the same way that they are created in the original language, it is also important to take into account the type of text, which mostly depends on its purpose, and to know what is expected from the text and who is intended, …. etc.

Also, texts of this type can be intended for everyone, that is, to the general public, but in the case of some other texts, the target audience may include business partners, management, professional audiences, employees within the company, current or potential clients, or small, medium or large companies…. etc.

Also, marketing texts -and thus their translations- must take into account the interests, preferences, lifestyles, and capabilities of the group they target, depending on the purpose and target audience, and marketing texts can be very diverse, regardless of the fact that they have a common goal.

These include brochures, websites, text on packaging, advertisements in all media, PDF and PPT presentations, email advertising campaigns, e-books, press conferences, oral presentations, and all other promotional materials.

As this diverse group of texts also include differences in style and language. In some, the focus is on the overall presentation of the company and what they offer, while other texts focused on detailed information about specific business processes, and direct benefits to customers by describing the expected results, the actual attitudes and personal experiences.

: Characteristics of Translating Advertising Campaigns Texts

In general, marketing translation is not just a transfer of text from one language to another, as it mainly involves transferring an appropriate marketing message to another language. It is important that texts match the preferences of the target audience, and in this type of text, translators often face the problem of finding the right words, resulting from cultural differences, or the absence of equivalents in the target language; This is due to different degrees of development, or different socio-economic systems in different countries, so the translator who translates a text in the field of marketing must also take into account the style.

Therefore, it is clear that not everyone can translate marketing texts, it is necessary to educate the translator for this type of translation, he must have affinity towards this type of work and a talent for creative writing, in addition to marketing knowledge, experience, and excellent language skills in order to find the right words; This is because it is not only the quality that sells the products and services, but also the ads, i.e. the words that are absolutely correct in terms of linguistic accuracy, or how the written advertisement is understood.

However, marketing texts in general do not allow for unlimited creativity; Because of this, many companies that care about how to address their customers invest significant efforts in building their own style, design, guides, and guidelines to be used when writing and translating promotional texts.

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The “Ejada” Certified Translation Office is very interested in Translating the Texts of Companies’ Advertising Campaigns , which in the end is in the interest of the company that aims to supply its sales by spreading its ads everywhere. Every company owner should now contact us, we are “Ejada” certified translation office; To achieve what they want in minutes.

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