
Ejada Translation



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We have mentioned in pervious articles about; starting a joint contract between the White Castle club (Zamalek Sporting Club) and Ejada Translation Services, about the accreditation received from the Arab Federation for Translation, and about being the top result in Google when searching for the best translation company. Why was Ejada chosen to sign a contract with Zamalek Sporting Club, the biggest clubs in the Arab Republic of Egypt? In this article we will tell you some of the advantages that were greatly welcomed by Mr. Yasser: Contracting and Public Relations Officer which is as follows:

  • Friend recommendation
  • How he was welcomed in
  • The exquisite treatment by Customer Service
  • The design and layout of the website
  • Translation quality and the speed in delivering the translated file
  • Credibility in dealing

We will discuss each element of them separately:

  • First: Friend recommendation

Ejada Translation Services always pays attention to all of our clients’ questions about the services provided for them. When Mr. Yasser was asked about the reason that led him to us instead of other translation offices he responded “you were recommended to me by a close friend, he has told me you will not find a better place as it is a trustworthy translation office that will provide you with what you want”.

  • Second: How he was welcomed in

What distinguishes Ejada Translation Services is how we greatly welcome all newcomers from all around. When Mr. Yasser first came we gave him a proper welcoming that he and all newcomers to us are worthy of, he was invited into the office of the Managing Director and the CEO for Ejada Mr. Ahmed Abdel Gayed and a partnership was established between them to translate all the files that we receive that are relevant to the White Castle club (Zamalek Sporting Club). His first impression on us was quite positive and he considered Ejada Translation Services to be a second place for him due to the welcoming and kind treatment he has received.

  • Third: The exquisite treatment by Customer Service

When Mr. Yasser was asked and inquired about link that connected him to us he said “I contacted Customer Service at your website and was given all the information I needed while still maintaining and not changing the exquisite treatment I received or ignoring me. Even when the scheduled time was delayed, they remained understating to the problem that I faced. The level of your Customer Service is more than excellent”. He also told us that if he would to receive a bad treatment from Customer Service anywhere he would stop dealing with them immediately.

  • Fourth: The design and layout of the website

Mr. Yasser said “after you were recommended to me by my friend I looked at you website and I found it to be very impressive and beautiful in regard of its final design and how it presented all of its contents. I compared it to websites for other translation offices and sensed some negligence and carelessness in their websites so I was comforted by your website. While in real life you were really bigger than I found, without any exaggeration, especially since I have really received what I wanted like my friend told and because the files I wanted translated by you require a high level of confidently and secrecy due to the legal proceedings concerning these files”.

  • Fifth: Translation quality and the speed in delivering the translated file

The main task given by Mr. Yasser, Contracting and Public Relations Officer in Zamalek Sporting Club, is to translate the files of Zamalek Sporting Club. After translating it, he said “the level of your translation service is truly special and is worthy of gratitude, thanks to the high quality and the speed in delivery without any slowing down, laziness, or deliberately neglecting it. I was completely, 100% percent, satisfied with the translation”.

  • Sixth: Credibility in dealing

Mr. Yasser said “before I came here, I had requested that I take a pledge from your office, in order to ensure the confidentiality of the information and data in the translated file, due to some legal issues related to the club which stipulate not to divulge its secrets. However, after I witnessed that above excellent level and that good and kind treatment by everyone in the Ejada office, I quickly disregarded that idea from my mind, so my blind confidence in you is very large that I cannot describe it”.

He finished by saying “I am very proud that I have received just what I wanted and I did not expect to find these kind of services in the translation office I was to contract with. The way you treated me was larger than I imagined and I did not find even a slight error, the least that could be said about the magnificent level your services reached; from the great welcome, quality and speed in translation, honesty while dealing with my files, and the exquisite treatment by Customer Service, was that it was more than amazing. I am very happy with you”.

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