
Ejada Translation



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Press translation services requested are an essential component that must be present in every country, whether they are printed on newsprint and distributed or published on the Internet for everyone to read, in order to get an idea of the culture of a foreign country, and to know the types of problems they face, however, those who find it difficult to read in a foreign language do not enjoy discovering this information without a translation for it or an interpreter along the way, and this of course is one of the heaviest things for anyone who wants to translate what is in his hands.

Especially with regard to collecting domestic and foreign news, the relationship between language (knowledge) and journalism is often emphasized and described in the margins of rhetorical or stylistic linguistic research directed towards communication between members of society, however, attention to the specific position of translation, as a process and product in this interaction is considered relatively new. Within the broad areas of research on translation in the media, it is possible to point out the importance of translation services in this field of journalism and advertising, as some papers related to press translation have issued that interest has increased dramatically about news translation and other aspects related to journalistic news.

From this standpoint, Ejada Certified Translation Office provides newspaper translation services, which overcomes its unique challenges, as a large part of it relates to the fact that newspapers consist of different sections and types of articles, each with its own style and language, so what works for one section or article may not be work with all of them.

Below we will show you the most difficult matters related to newspaper translation:

: The style

As mentioned earlier, every newspaper – regardless of the country it comes from or the language in which it is published – consists of different sections, with the bulk of the articles relating to current events and news in different areas of interest, such as business, arts, culture, international, etc. These articles have a certain style, as they exist to inform a specific report, and may provide a little explanation of political, economic and social events, by journalists who have a different style and tone decide to use it differently every time, and to effectively translate everything in any newspaper, you must consider and use each of these different methods.

: Terms

Each country has its own colloquial language and different types of terms used only in certain contexts, and when used out of context, these words may not make sense, and there may not be equivalent in the target language, also the target culture may not include this concept, so an explanation or translation may be required for such newspapers.

: Cultural context

The nature of newspapers, which are published every day to inform everyone about the current and the new events, and much more, makes them very dependent on the cultural context of each country in which they are published and circulated, and the information provided may not be complete or very clear to someone who has not kept up with the news in the region, and this Exactly what is the goal of providing press translation services, and this represents a great challenge for the translator, as they have to ensure that they are always familiar with the current topic, and provide any necessary clarification and explanation without increasing the size of the article too much or moving away from the original topic.

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: The role of the Ejada Office in providing press translation services

For these previous reasons, Ejada Office for Certified Translation covered all the challenges of the press translation services, after working on them in a serious and beneficial way for all readers, regardless of the type of this newspaper, because Ejada Office works in which many of the most skilled translators work, and the most experienced in working with all types of media that are translated from newspapers to radio, photos and video clips, in which only the best and most experienced translators and interpreters are employed, and each of them has its different specialties, so we guarantee that you will get a final product translated with great care and accuracy.

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