
Ejada Translation



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We are all aware that translation is crucial and necessary for the development and survival of some companies, but the question that rests on your mind always is: How to choose the most popular translation site in the UAE? To perfectly suit your needs? Well, this will definitely be a difficult task, especially when there are many translation sites that offer the same service. Nevertheless, we, “Ejada” site, can provide you with some information that will help narrow your options as follows:

  1. Pay attention to what you ask for:

Is what you want to focus on are the advantages of using your product and marketing it to all potential customers by using promotional messages on your website? If that is the case, then you would want to perfectly refer the matter to “Ejada” the most popular translation site in the UAE. Since the promotional messages are very different from what you will have in the operating manual for your product, because in it you want to perfectly convey the technical details of your commodity or product. When dealing with us, we “Ejada” site cannot in any way pass the message except in a disciplined manner, without losing any of the details, as the lack of clarity in it will lead to mixed result. We are fully aware of the scientific background of your target audience, which is why we are pleased to offer you all the means that provide you with the best linguists in your desired field.

  1. Confidentially:

The translation site you deal with should be able to ensure that your information will remain confidential and stored out of the public eye, and documents to be translated must also be sent using a secure system. Consequently, the functionality of these secure delivery systems must be available at the location to which your translated files will be assigned, so they must have a confidentiality agreement with the translators who work with them.  For this, it is imperative that you ask what measures they take to ensure the confidentiality of your documents and not to divulge them, especially when they have a lot of editors and translators as “Ejada”, the most popular translation site in the UAE.

  1. Be careful not to fall a prey in the hands of cheaters:

You should also note how much your translated file is consisted in different fields. For example, if the same translator will be the one translation all of your materials? Are you allowed to resend a translated sample to be reviewed again? So be certain of that with the translation site you deal with. As well as the use of appropriate translation tools while applying different layouts for translated texts, which is why you have to be careful not to fall a prey in the hands of sites that only uses Google Translate as a translation tool.

  1. Additional services:

You can add so much more value to your work if the translation site offers other complementary services beside the translation and linguistic audit services. These complementary services that the site provides could add tremendous value to your works, in addition to the highest standards that makes you chose the most popular translation site in the UAE. These additional services could include the following:

  • Preparing a research strategy.
  • Writing graduation researches.
  • Conducting academic researches.
  • Conducting Master researches.
  • Translating scientific researches.
  • Writing previous studies.
  • Statistical Analysis SPSS.
  • Writing researches for Masters in Law.
  • Assisting with Doctoral theses.
  • Linguistic audit for Master theses.
  • Special PowerPoint presentations.
  • Coordinating Master and Doctoral theses.
  1. Price in exchange for value:

The first condition when dealing with the most popular translation site in the UAE should not be only the ability to afford the costs, you must also verify the quality of the translation you receive. If the price was too low that it is unreasonable, you will opt then to pay for bad translation that could easily affect your reputation on the outside, and we advise you not to seek that site.


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