
Ejada Translation



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As in every field, there are many translation problems in the translation industry. Some of these problems are faced by the translators present in the best certified translation offices in Heliopolis, and others are faced by clients. Other problems can be considered structural problems because they cause a translation problem.

In this article, we will explain the main problems of translation and how to solve them. Although we cannot completely solve the problems related to translation, we will as much as possible help you in facing them. You will also need to know some of the most common translation errors, and the main challenges and issues in translation that translators face.

Learn About Some Translation Problems and Their Solutions from The Best Certified Translation Offices in Heliopolis

First Problem: Structure of Language

The sentence structure in Arabic, English, or other languages may be different, and this is considered one of the main structural problems in translation. The culture practiced by natives of each language may be significantly different. In many languages, some terms may be completely absent, and this is one of the most common challenges that the translator faces on a daily basis, and also one of the main reasons why translation is difficult.

For example, in the English language, the adjective is placed before the noun, but in French the adjective comes after the noun, and in Arabic and some other languages the subject pronoun is part of the verb. This determines the gender of the subject and the sound of the sentence.

For these reasons, languages are usually complex, wide, constantly evolving, and differ from each other. So, the translator present at the best certified translation offices in Heliopolis must know the accurate structure in each language, the use of the appropriate structure for each language separately, and he must also make sure that the translation is done without changing the meaning too.


The translator must acquire experience in two languages only and not expand into more than that until completing the study of a third language and practicing it on an ongoing basis with his peers, colleagues at work, or even friends, or residing in the country of that language, so he’s really well aware of it. We, the best certified translation offices in Heliopolis, also recommend you to make use of grammar checkers, translation memory tools, and other technologies to ensure that the structure is preserved in the target language without changing the meaning of the source document.

Second Problem: Culture

The culture practiced by natives of each language may be significantly different. Colloquialism is often woven into any official language, which makes the translator’s job very difficult. The larger area in which the language is spoken, the greater the likelihood of dialects being present, and the more colloquial words you are likely to find except for translations technical documents or legal documents translation or translations of medical texts, as these documents cannot be tampered with their data or information.

For example, the British are known for their blunt, dry sarcasm, which is their playful trademark. However, this type of sarcasm may not be appreciated not only in a country that speaks a different language, but even in another country where they speak English. The problem, then, arises of how to translate strictly without hurting feelings or angering the target audience, so culture is also an essential translation problem.


Search by the Internet to know the most common colloquial expressions used in that language you will be translating into. Thus, you will get to know more about the most commonly used dialects, then this can give you a fair idea when you need to translate.

We, the best certified translation offices in Heliopolis, also recommend you to immerse yourself in the culture of the target country as much as you can through documentaries, TV programs, magazines and books that are in this language. Such things will be especially useful in learning about the local culture and dialects.

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If you are looking to translate your documents quickly, reliably and at reasonably, then you only need to contact us. We are Ejada Office for Certified Translation. We are working our best efforts for your convenience and satisfaction.

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