
Ejada Translation



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Translation plays a huge role in our lives, as it is always enriching for human life like a communication and information exchange tool all around the world. However, it was noted that translation of educational research lacks accuracy in educational materials, as the aim of this article is to demonstrate the possibility of teaching in a different way.

Translation of educational research is a challenging skill that must be done well, to be productive and rewarding. Where learners and teachers not only have to take into account the meaning, but they also have to consider a host of other issues, including form, recording, style, and term, which is not easy, but a lot of translation activities depend on doing it well.

Regarding teachers, translation activities are difficult to prepare and require a lot of preparation, especially anticipating potential problems. Activities for the translation of educational research, which are well designed in the best certified translation office such as Ejada, can also include in its work some skills for preparing a correct and certified translation in terms of the communicative competence that should be present between the student and his teacher. These skills are accuracy, clarity, and flexibility, by choosing the most appropriate words to convey the intended meaning.

: The importance of translating educational research

 In its very nature, translation is considered a heavily communicative activity where the challenge lay in ensuring that the content being communicated is relevant and that we utilize all communication possibilities during that activity. Where translation can encourage groups of learners to discuss the meaning of a language and its use at the deepest possible levels during their work, through the process of understanding and then searching in another language.

The translation is a realistic and natural activity and it is increasingly necessary for a global environment.  Many learners living in their own countries or another country need translation on a daily basis whether officially or unofficially.  It became even more important with the increased significance of online information.

The translation is a frequently used strategy for learners, as it supports them in developing their learning skills. Translation can also support the writing process, especially at lower levels of teaching, as research has shown that learners appear to be able to access more information in their own language, which they can then translate.

Discussing differences and similarities during the process of translating educational research helps learners understand the interaction of the two languages and the problems caused by their first language. It also helps learners to appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of the source and target languages, for example in comparing idiomatic language such as metaphors.

Teachers can also focus translation activities on very specific learning goals, such as practicing some vocabulary, terminology, educational grammar, etc. It also lends itself to work with other tools such as email and classroom web pages for students who are not good at doing this.

Finally, developing translation skills for many learners is a natural and logical part of reaching greater heights, and being able to do it well is very motivating for all of them.

: Considerations that translators at Ejada make when translating educational research

As previously mentioned, translation of educational research is a difficult activity to set and could be done wrong, which causes some of the challenges presented above. Therefore, the translators at Ejada for Certified Translation put in mind some considerations when translating these educational papers, and they are as follows:

Knowing the source material well and translating accordingly:

It is necessary to carefully and fully plan the translation of educational research by ensuring that the source materials for all educational materials really focus on what the student wants, and are presented based on their educational desires in the materials they learn.

Integration of communication skills between teacher and learner:

Ejada tries to integrate translation with other systems skills/practices wherever possible, by ensuring the availability of dictionaries and sources of use. It is important to identify the problems associated with traditional approaches to translation. It is known that the translation activity in Ejada is a group activity based on professional translators in their work, and it can take a long time when dealing with the most difficult literary texts and finding solutions to them. Therefore, these tasks are somewhat difficult, as always working in groups, and keeping the communication gap between the teacher and the learner removed wherever possible are the goals of Ejada for Certified Translation.

Knowing the objectives of educational research and to which category it will be presented:

As demonstrated in the above article, the learner’s perception of the educational research activity is the key to knowing the purpose of that research and making translation based on it. So, it is helpful to explain your goals and discuss any concerns the learners have. In this regard, Ejada for certified translation deals with many educational materials that benefit the teacher and the learner alike, and which can have a positive impact on them.

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As a student, you should consider well the various benefits of translating your educational research by Ejada for Certified Translation. After all, our goal is to work for your comfort.

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