
Ejada Translation



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The advantages of translating his websites are not only limited to users, but it is also beneficial for website owners. Since a long time ago, companies were limited to working only with people who live in a geographic area close to them, but now it has changed a lot, especially in this technological age. Companies of all shapes and sizes have the opportunity to sell their products and services to people in the neighboring city or even all over the world, just by translating their websites.

Where the presence of websites provides amazing opportunities to increase revenue for the employer, and thus increase profits, in order to increase the reach of the maximum target clients, organizations or institutions shall think beyond communicating in their mother tongue only, as all countries around the world have a huge number of the Internet users, so the sites they use shall be translated, in order to communicate with them easily and without complication.

: Here is an important fact about website translation

One of the signs that most determine the success of any organization, regardless of its specialization, is the ability to communicate in more than one language with its clients, and with the translation of its websites, it will be very ideal when you start dealing with it, and there are many benefits to owning a multilingual website from the point of view of customer who requests a service or product, and from the point of view of the site owner as well.

? Could the multilingual website increase the number of hits on the website

Of course, yes, the more professional your website is in terms of accessibility, the more clients you will gain and the greater their loyalty to you after you deal with them professionally and accurately, especially as we are in the era of smart phones and constant electronic communication, there is no doubt that the website Your business will be the best place (if not the first) to get a strong and reliable first impression. In fact, 61% of global Internet users search for products online (source), so your website is one of your greatest marketing tools.

Also, you shall bear in mind the impact that multilingual content can have on the number of hits on the web site, where the ability to engage clients worldwide will significantly increase the number of hits on your website, eventually increasing your profits after you offer your product or service on your website, and the multilingual website can turn visitors into permanent clients.

? How does the employer benefit from translating the websites of its products or services through its website

Of course, it’s not just about persuading people to visit your website, it’s about turning these visitors into permanent clients. Did you know, dear site owner, that you only have a few seconds to attract the attention of visitors and turn them into potential and permanent clients? Yeah, it’s a fact, where most visitors leave the site after a visit that takes between 0 and 8 seconds, if they do not find what they benefit from or what they want, and this means that your content shall be attractive and of value that benefits the visitor, and most importantly, it shall be translated With high accuracy, don’t forget that you spent valuable time and money in making the content in your native language, so it is imperative that you do the same when translating it into other languages, which ultimately increases your business profits.

Get rid of google translate and deal with the best translation office sites such as Ejada:

You may have come across machine translation tools or plug-ins on the Internet, that is, yes, they are cheap and easy to deal with, but unfortunately, you cannot guarantee that the website of your business will be translated correctly linguistically and grammatically, so it is necessary to provide a professional and high-quality translation service that will Translate your content, this is your only real option if you are serious about reaching global markets with new clients and maximizing your business opportunities.

One of the best investments you make can be translating your websites into other languages, and this makes you:

Testing new markets is relatively inexpensive.

Increase the number of hits by reusing the content on the website.

Improving the user experience for non-native speakers of the language in which the site is written.

Improve the conversion rate by increasing confidence from foreign visitors.

Take advantage of the low cost of clicking or advertising rates in countries with fewer competitors.

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